Friday, September 18, 2009

Awesome quilts!

Continuing on with the fabric theme I had to share these amazing quilts by Emily Fischer of Haptic Lab.

"Soft Maps are quilted maps of neighborhoods and parks that represent someone's unique place in the city." They are beautiful.

She offers two that is machine quilted and made with cotton. The others are handmade, taking over a month and use organic cotton and silk. Need I say that I want one.

I also adore these map pillows made from appliques small pieces of fabric. When reading more about the studio I wondered why haptic? Here is an explanation ""Haptic" refers to the sense of touch that includes the entire body, inside and out; it is also the mechanism we employ to situate our bodies in space. Like a cane that safely guides someone down the sidewalk, haptic projects serve as tools for sensation." She said it so well. I applaud Emily's talent and she sounds like the most interesting person. I would bet she would be a great person to meet.

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